Friday, April 6, 2012

Monterey Aquarium, Redwood Forest, and China Town

This morning’s stop at the Monterey Aquarium was awesome. We were just in time to see several different feeding sessions. I found the Jelly Fish and Sea Horse displays to be my favorites.

We took another 2-hour drive up Highway 1 to the Redwood Forest. What an amazing place! The kids had an hour to walk a .5-mile loop. Most of them went around twice. A fire had gone through the area leaving interesting tree structures. In a few of the trees, you could walk inside the trunk and look up at the sky.

Chinatown was a fun place. We had about an hour to shop before dinner. My favorite T-shirt was the Alcatraz Triathlon Team. LOL!

Dinner was at the Hunan Home. The food just kept coming and coming!

It was a very good meal and at the end, our boys serenaded Chelsea with a birthday tune. Happy Birthday, Chelsea!

Tomorrow is Stanford University and a day to roam San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf area. We will have our last dinner together and head home.

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